SOMETHING, only love can do for me
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Congrats to SY & Cheanu!
Hey, today my best friend is officially married! Congrats dear & dear. You both are my dearies.
Darling is kind enough to send me there.
I also received an sms from my ex-housemate, CP, that her dad passed away on Sunday. Due to her confinement, she will not be able to join the funeral - oh what a pity! Her dad had diagnosed with cancer many years ago, while we were staying under the same roof a few years back.
Now, I am super bored in the office - with nothing to do, no bosses around, colleagues on leave and me shopping shopping....enough for this week, coz I have spent almost RM1K last week. Damn, G2000 gave additional 20% further mark down on the pants i just bought 2 days ago. hantu raya.
This Sunday will be our 1st wedding anniversary - but we are not going to be together coz I am going home - hopefully darling change his mind to follow me back so that we can be together. What a surprise that Yiu Chuan's wedding will be the same as mine!
Will post SY & Cheanu's pictures later...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Orang Pecah Rumah
This morning, we were awaken by burglar who broke into our house at 4.30am. When darling heard noises downstairs, he peeped and saw the front door was opened!! We were so scared and locked ourselves in the room and I called the police.
That guy ran away when the house alarm was triggered and after 5 minutes, heard our neighbour called us very loud. We went downstairs and police arrived 10mins later.
Damn, he also broke our neighbour's window and luckily his wallet dropped. Celaka punya orang. Luckily we are safe. This is the 3rd attempt - with the 1st attempt berjaya masuk. hantu raya. Went to police station then they came later wanting to snap photos.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Lydia and I

My best friend in office, my soul heart of life, my shoulder to cry on, my full supporter, the one I admire always, the one full of strength, who is always so enthusiatic and high spirit at work - my dear Lydia who has never failed to be with me when I am down.
Throughout the period of working together with her for the past 7 days, she is the reason I stay. She is the reason I am surviving till today. She is the one who make me look things wider and I learnt a lot of things because of her - how to write, how to align (haha!!) , how to do the best slides... A mother of 2, who never let the babies down even in the middle of the night, and full of energy the next day in the office.
Today, we both wear a new baju kurung, and I told her, we must take photos together. For the past 7 years, we only had 2 photos...
Lydia, I am not a public blogger, nor nobody knows my blog coz it was meant for me to write down my feelings. So, this is definitely for you...
I Finally Resigned!
Yeah...7 years 3 days, that was the exact number of days I have served this company. It is considered very long for a high turnover company!! In fact, its very long even for a company with low turnover!!
I am still confused which one I should choose now -for I have options now! I should have been more daring than this last time!! Last year, exactly at this hour, I plan to do so, and take care of mummy and papa - but I have not guts to do so - its too late now....but I still wanna go.
2 days ago, Justin called, offering additional 20% to me. Why didnt he tell me earlier?
Anyway, its not too late,...tomorrow have some phone calls to do to ensure I make the right choice.
THIS WILL DEFINITELY ADD UP THE COLORS OF MY 2007 UPS AND DOWNS! Another BIG history in making in my life!