Thursday, May 12, 2005


I am so so so so so tired. So tired of routine questions and answers. So tired. I want to take a break from work forever!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Love is easy. Love can be hard.
It can be a knife...craving a beautiful palace for you to live in together. It can be a knife stabbing you hurt in your heart.
I feel light today. I have expressed my feelings out. Its not intended to make anyone feel wrong or who's right, its intended to say out the voice from my heart.
What is love? To me, love alone to get married is not enough. It gotta come with honesty and trust. Darling said it from the different angle. He said, because of love you have trust and you are honest. Well, true. I agree. Whatever the definition is, as long as you know deep in your heart you want that wanna be with him/her for the rest of your doesnt matter. you will do anything for the special someone.
So many of my friends tie the knot this year. I am very happy for them coz I know they have made the best decision for their lifetime.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I love my papa. I love my mummy...and I know I love him!
When was the last time you spend the private time with your loved ones? I am committed to balik kampung at least every 6 weeks once now. And i wanna see them as much as i can.