SOMETHING, only love can do for me
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Funny Miri Day

This is the picture of the Grand Old Lady...were the first oil well in Malaysia in year 1910. by Shell. I was here in year 200o when I came to Miri with Ka Yii for a holiday in Miri. These pictures were taken using my camera phone (very lau ia quality but i can at least have something with nothing right!!). I dont have any copy of the pcis I took in year 2000, all the pics were with KKY. Not sure he has threw it away or what...but its all memory.
This trip...One funny uncle - the tax driver - were so kind. He fetched me to this place on top of the hill for free!!
wah, still got kind people in this world! Uncle forced me to walk down the hill with my new La Primavera black high heel and 2.5kg LAPTOP! I told him my shoe sudah dirty la...ya ya look like a hau lian city lady cannot get herself!! I was with Azizan luckily! otherwise i wont trust this uncle ESPECIALLY when he said he wanna have a coffee with me in Boulevard Shopping Mall here!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Damn tulan
I was damn pissed with a pervert in the lrt yesterday. It was so packed in the lrt. Kanasai - this 50 year old man - he was so closed with me - I have no where to move coz i was standing in the corner. This kanasai man placed his penis on my thigh and i was so pissed. it there were an emergency break, sure he would had kissed me. I knew it, he did it on purpose. Why cant he just stand straight instead of leaning his penis to me? i really wanna slapped him!
this is the most pissed moment in the lrt!!! I drew this picture for my own record. kanasai!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Ah Beng Funny Story
I rarely laugh at comics or jokes...but this one really make me laugh!
Subject: FW: Ah Beng Ah Lian buay lew lians
Ah Beng was on a motorbike with Ah Lian after a durian shopping trip.
Ah Lian was holding on to 2 big bags of durians when they rode over a
hump, Ah Beng heard a loud bang. He asked Ah Lian: "Lewlian wu kalau boh?
(durians got dropped or not?)." Ah Lian shouted: "boh kalau lah!"
So Ah Beng continued with the journey. When they reached home, Ah Beng
got down from his motobike and was shocked to see that Ah Lian was not wearing a helmet.
He asked Ah Lian: "Where is your helmet?" Ah Lian was very angry and replied:
"Just now I already told you 'boh kalau' (helmet drop)!"
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Feel very sad-lah ... and heavy....
Sometimes I do not agree with what darling does...and sometimes I just do not want to argue with him and keep quiet - but i am not feeling good inside. What should I do??
I read one of a friend's blog last week, and he mentioned that he saw a beautiful girl...and he just wished he can watch sunset with her. Bloody!! If I were the girlfriend or wife, I will not be with him anymore!!
LFA tested positive for happy for her!
Monday, June 12, 2006
I asked SY just now, what is the 1 word she will describe herself? She said cheerful.
Fair enough.
I think I would say myself as kiasu...everything must be in control mah....hahahahah!!!
Had a hectic weekend...but Boon Hock's wedding is the funniest I have ever attended. He did everything last minute!! How can!! Didnt iron clothes, last minutes seaching sample of wedding speech, last minute slides, had not chosen song....wah...if me...die already!!
Kind Yew Wei and Darren fetched me there. Darling not around - in Penang. He bought me very delicious carrot cake!!! ho ciak ka beh si!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
I am very happy lately. My darling loves me very much and I feel so good. :)
Tylia has brighten up my life as well. She is so so adorable. I dont mind being with her 24-7 ---- OH! except when she pangsai. hehehe!
Lately, so many people praised me, that I look better and slim down. Ah, doesnt come easy - coz I gotta exercise!!!! Now, with the new Project Manager coming in, I gotta work extra hours for extra work - and it has interrupted my gym session. Hope to change it to lunch time then - otherwise, i gotta bring work home.
Waiting eargerly for the bonus....where where where.....i need money!